Beauty vs. Repulsion

30 Jan

Beauty, solely in my opinion, is anything visually stimulating. There are usually focal points in my favorite works of art but sometimes abstract pieces are just as pleasing to look at. I believe my mood also helps me decide on what I enjoy to look at. Each day it could be different for me. I appreciate color and artists who can arrange it aesthetically well.

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On the other hand, repulsion could be something that is dull and lifeless with no color. Jagged line work or something similar to charcoal artwork. The way it looks on paper disgusts me just about as much as it does to actually hold it in my hand to draw. It smears too easy and its sometimes difficult to illustrate value.

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I really enjoyed Donna Anderson Kam’s work. It was mostly pastels but the details she illustrated in her works are amazing. I like pieces with a lot of color as long as its arranged aesthetically well. She uses the ‘rule of thirds’ with most of her compositions, which I happen to be very fond of. I try to use the same element in my illustrations and happen to favor pieces likewise.

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