Archive | January, 2011

Roses are red, violets are blue

29 Jan



The original piece catches my attention more than the sketch I so  desperately tried to make look identical. The lines seem to flow a little bit easier in the original compared to the final sketch. Trying to duplicate such beauty was harder than I had anticipated. They both, individually, make me feel different things when I look at them.



Honore Daumier’s drawings put mine to shame in all honesty. I don’t think I can bare the sight of mine anymore. This style of drawing is obviously something I need to keep working on. I want to be able to become completely mesmerized when I look at my photos as I am when I look at his. He knows how to make something so simple look so real and full of life. The calligraphic lines within his work show attitude and represent more than just shapes. They make you feel an emotion, let alone convey one.


For the week prior to I chose to critique Hannah’s work.
The composition in this piece is great in a sense that it has asymmetrical balance but I fear there is a bit too much negative space. The man looks real and I can feel his presence more with the way she follows his contours all the way from the tip of his head to the neck of the guitar. I think her placement affects a lot about how people could or should feel about her piece. If it were just a bit more centered than it is already, people would feel different about the subject matter, I’m sure. I know I would.

Jared’s Birthday

22 Jan
Jared's Birthday

Both pictures have the same amount of different line qualities, however, they do not have the same amount of movement throughout each piece. The original photos most definitely are more busy than the products of each. The gesture drawings show just as much emotion as the picture taken. In Kathy Kollowitz’s pictures the individuals faces are more distraught and worn compared to the photo I chose. They express just as much emotion but have different messages to convey.